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What is Eat Smart All About?

How can Eat Smart help me?

Eat Smart teaches you how to take control of your health and wellness by eating clean, real food. No dieting, no restricting, no calorie counting. Eat the foods you love. Learn sustainable habits, get easy recipes, tips for eating on the go, and grocery lists with clean swaps for all your favorites! Learn what foods will have a positive impact on your body and how they impact your energy, your weight, your overall health and wellness. I have seen first hand the healing that happens in your body from changing the foods we eat. Resolve health issues, feel energized, and be well!

How long will it take to see results?

Your results literally begin the second you start following the guidance this program provides. That is because the real healing starts on the inside. It begins when you give your organs, your body, your digestive system a break from all of the fake food & additives it has been given. Your body is made to repair itself naturally,  give it what it wants and needs and you can achieve total wellness. 

I am a picky eater, will this program work for me?

Absolutely! No matter what you like (or don't like) this program works. There are good options for just about every type of food you could want. No matter how limited your taste in food is.  

Are you a dietitian?

No!! My food philosophy is a far departure from typical food advice you would get from a dietitian or probably even your doctor. And that's a good thing. Americans are more overweight, more sick, and dying younger than ever before. Yet modern medicine is said to be the most advanced. Why do you think that is? The quality of our food has dramatically changed from the way it was decades ago. That is because food companies need to sell more food. And to sell more food it has to be inexpensive to make, taste good, and you have to eat more of it. Unfortunately, the health of Americans has suffered due to this. By the way, did you know that the American Dietetic Association gets sponsorships every year from food companies? This couldn't have an impact on what a dietitian recommends as healthy or unhealthy could it? Probably not! :-)

What happens in a coaching session?

Yay! My favorite part... Coaching sessions are a 1-hour long phone call or video call, once per week. On your first coaching call, your coach will ask you questions about your heath concerns, and your goals for yourself & body. Information about what you typically eat, and your food habits will be collected and used to help tailor your specific plan. Next, your coach will provide practical guidance that you can put to use immediately to begin on your journey to total food and body wellness. 

Just a few examples of what your coach will help with during your journey together:

*Sample grocery lists (with specific products to buy)

*Clean swaps for your favorite foods (YES, even Doritos!)

*How to recognize problematic ingredients and their impact on the body & wellness

*How to end cravings and feel satisfied longer

*Complete kitchen staples overhaul with clean swaps so you don't have to run to the g-store every time you want to cook

*Menu planning, easy delicious recipes, kitchen tips and tricks

*How to Eat Smart at your favorite restaurants

*What to do when on the go & traveling

*How to support eating smart when you have no time to cook

*Understand food labels and see past marketing tactics

*Learning how to listen to your body to understand how foods are impacting it

I've tried every diet that exists, can this program help me?

YES! Eat Smart is not like ANYTHING that other people are teaching. Jump on the web, and you'll find people counting calories, cutting out carbs, counting macros, not eating fat, counting points! Phew, how exhausting! And not sustainable long term. The difference in this program is that at Eat Smart we don't look at YOU as the problem, we look at food quality as the problem. Armed with the knowledge that Eat Smart coaching provides, you can eat just about anything you want!

Who is this program for?

Anyone who is serious about making changes in their total wellness, and open to a new perspective in food and it's connection to overall health.

What kinds of things can Eat Smart help with?

I believe that when you give your body food that it doesn't have to fight against, your body can be transformed. Here are just a few things that clean eating can help address:


*Afternoon crash

*Acid reflux




*Releasing weight

*Skin issues & acne

*Joint pain


*Slow metabolism

*Regulate hormones

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My goal is to inform and empower as many people as I can with the Eat Smart system. Eat Smart has completely changed my life. It's crazy to think how normalized eating chemicals and fake food has become. I am convinced that poor food selection is at the root of many health issues. I should know, eating smart solved virtually all of mine!

Image by Antonino Visalli

Eat Smart can help you:

fix your metabolism,

heal your body


I am committed to sharing the Eat Smart System with as many people as I can so I am offering a no-cost introductory session!

Want to learn more about how clean eating can work for you?

Claim your free call to uncover how learning this sustainable way of eating can transform how you feel in your body!

No more

skipping sweets, counting calories, or feeling bad for eating dessert!

healthy dessert recipes eat smart

These recipes are DELISH! Made with simple, clean ingredients to nourish your body!

Image by Daniel Öberg

YES, you can have the desserts!

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