Learn Why Your Coffee is Slowing You Down!
Learn Why Your Coffee is Slowing You Down!
When it comes to your morning coffee have you ever considered that it might be responsible for your mid morning crash?
Don’t worry. You do not have to cut out coffee. As long as you know how to choose the right beans, without MOLD (we will get into that in another post!) you can keep coffee in your life (hooray!)
There is a caveat. You can keep your coffee, but if you want to eliminate your crash you have to reconsider what you're putting into your coffee.
It's likely your coffee creamer is causing your problems.
Causing your bloating. Causing your inflammation. Causing a lot of other possible health issues, making your body fight back against you.
The evil here is your creamer.
Your coffee sweetener. Or even the pre-mixed coffee latte you buy in the big bottle.
All causing inflammation in your body. Disrupting your gut health. Making you bloated. Making you tired.
Let’s take a look at the label of one very popular coffee creamer. Some of the ingredients are:
Corn Syrup
Vegetable Oil
Mono- and Diglycerides
Dipotassium Phosphate
Natural Flavor
WOW! A load of CRAP.
Your body wants real, unadulterated food. Nutritious food. Food that provides fuel. There is virtually zero nutritional value in the above ingredients.
Why do we put this stuff in our coffee day after day? Because it’s convenient? Because we are told it will improve the taste of our coffee? Or simply because it is available?
Here at Eat Smart, we are passionate about providing you with the information you need to see through the confusion and misleading information about food.
We help you give your body what it wants, and the results speak for themselves.
Weight loss, and overall increase in health, decrease in symptoms like joint pain, acid reflux, and a whole host of other health problems.
When you work with the Eat Smart System with personalized 1-1 coaching, you receive all the tools you need to make the real healthy switch to achieve total food-wellness.
To get you started, I have provided the recipe for a clean, simple, do it yourself coffee creamer.
Simple Coffee Creamer (Caramel)
Makes 1/4 cup of creamer
¼ cup clean almond milk
3 + teaspoons maple syrup (to your sweet preference)
1/2 teaspoon clean, pure vanilla extract
1. Mix all ingredients together until combined.
2. Add to your coffee as you would store bought creamer.
Will last in your refrigerator for a few weeks.
Store in a jar with a tightly fitting lid. If you like, triple this recipe to have creamer made ahead and ready to go!
Try it for yourself. Cut out the fake creamers, swap it with this simple recipe. And let us know how you feel!
Here at Eat Smart, we empower you to feel your best by giving you the information you need to make informed food choices. These food choices are not mainstream, and involve a (shockingly) new way of looking at food: keep food simple, eat real food, not fake, lab food!
5 "Health" Foods You Think Are Good for You But Are Killing Your Diet & Wellness!
Eat Smart can help you:
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heal your body
& feel your best!
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